The Irony of "Let's Go Brandon"

My kids are at that age where they are starting to pick up everything my wife and I say or do. I'm trying to be conscious of that...sometimes what they say and do is hilarious, sometimes not so much. And I really only have myself to blame. I'm recognizing how important it is that I model the things I'm trying to teach them.

Every day, we say our family motto...
I ask, "Who are you?" They respond, "A Rice."
I ask, "What are Rice's?" They respond, "Kings and Queens."
I ask, "What do Kings and Queens do?" They respond, "Show honor and have fun."

This principle of honor is so important to me personally because it speaks volumes of a person. I'm trying to instill in my kids the practice of honoring all people despite what they believe. Because my ability to honor you is not predicated on if you deserve honor.

In fact, the only competition in the Kingdom of God is about trying to out honor each other. Check out the different ways Romans 12:10 is translated...
ESV - Outdo one another in showing honor.
NIV - Honor one another above yourselves.
NLT - Take delight in honoring each other.
MSG - Practice playing second fiddle.

Currently, I'm pissed. I was watching TikTok and was saddened by the video I just watched. A reporter was interviewing a Republican at a rally who was wearing a shirt that read, "FJB." In the interview, they were talking about the importance of bringing respect and honor "back" into our country. Then the interviewer asked the man what "FJB" meant? The man responded "F*** Joe Biden." Oblivious to the irony of the conversation they just had, the man continues to rant about President Joe Biden in front of his 14-year old son.

Here's why I'm pissed. Both sides of the political aisle don't even see their hypocrisy. In 2016, liberals chanted, "Trump's not my president." The conservatives were pissed. In 2020, conservatives chanted, "Biden's not my president." The liberals were pissed. But this time is different the conservative responds, because "the election was stolen." If you want to believe that, fine (even though more than 60 judges disagree, including the Supreme Court) - you still have an opportunity to show honor in the face of disagreement. And what do we do? The opposite. Why? Because we're 'right' and we refuse to see each other through the lens of Christ.

I did not vote for Biden. I also did not vote for Trump. But President Joe Biden currently sits in the oval office - the highest office in America. And as an American, regardless of President Biden's beliefs and decisions, I choose to honor him because it speaks more about me than it does about him.

Jordan Peterson wrote a book titled "12 rules for life." Rule number 6 says, "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world." In other words, the greatest leadership principle I share is, "Do not critique seats you have not sat in." I have no idea what it's like to be the President of the United States. I have no idea the pressure, decisions, conversations, who's really pulling the strings, or anything else in the political world. Therefore, I will not criticize someone God has called me to honor. Especially since I'm only in control of how I teach and model life for my family.

Honor is not permission to dishonor those who disagree with me. Honor is not an idea, it's a practice. It's given on the basis of who people are (and everyone is made in the image and likeness of God). Honor is loving those who can do nothing for me. Honor is when I treat you the way I would treat Jesus.